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The Security Gap or The Age of Resilience

Most in the business world would agree that small businesses have a lot to contend with in terms of planning, scaling and maintenance of administrative functions. The pandemic has now exposed the importance of cybersecurity in a world of rapidly advancing security issues. Ransomware has now become the number one issue possibly surpassing insider threat in terms of data loss. However, there are some initial steps that can be taken to prepare your small business in the likelihood of threats.

Planning Is Key. Establishing a plan for your business is the first step in securing your business. Its important to have an idea of the assets that may be important to secure. In ecommerce businesses dependent upon platform that may involve determining if your customer's information is properly stored in a secure environment. Assuring that any payment processors are PCI compliant and that transactions offer customers proper security. If you're unfamiliar with PCI compliance here is a short version that will assist you. PCI compliant transactions is payment processing that secures a customer's credit card information when a transaction is occurring. Most platforms that are utilizing credit card transactions are familiar with this process due to guidelines set by (NIST) National Institutes of Standards and Technology. If you want to get started today in creating a cybersecurity guideline for your business go to FCC CyberPlanner and create a plan for your business. There are many useful tools that are available to help get you started in securing your business assets and becoming more proactive in strengthening the cybersecurity posture of your business.

Ransomware is the New Word

Ransomware has become a significant issue outside of insider threat for businesses. Its important to speak to your employees about identifying links that may cause a security issue to your business resources. Many "spoofers" or cyber criminals will attempt to obtain information through sending malicious emails that will have links that will compromise the security of your business. Although this is not the only way that a business can be compromised its one of the leading causes of security issues for most businesses. When reading email look at the sender information and do not click any links associated with it. Also, you can review the section header information to determine specific information in the origins of the email. However, this strategy is not absolute. Information can be "spoofed" or made to appear legitimate so beware. Ransomware can be administered to a victim through malicious links, websites, ads or opening a link in an email. The ransomware will then began to encrpyt files on the infected device. Its important to perform backup of all data that is important to your business. Performing daily backups will be a life saver for your company in the event of an emergent issue.

Statistical data for Small Businesses

Accoring to IBM Reports, View Report The cost of insider threats were $11,450,000. The number one cause of this was negligence. Trainng can not be overstated in terms of educating everyone in your organization to common threats in the cybersecurity realm. Every business can plan and and prepare increasing your security posture. The effects of a breach can be costly and time-consuming. Seek consultation and refer to the necessary tools to prepare your business today.

A plan that is not written is just an idea.

-Dwaine Siady

Time Clock

Even with a plan challenges will occur. The plans that you create will have to be flexible and allow you to manuever in the event of an unexpected event. Changes as we know are a normal element of our lives. Our plans should reflect the changes that may occur and we should have multiple plans in motion in the event its needed. I like to call it the "Long Game". The "Long Game" is When you look at situations in terms of future consequences. Short-term an idea or thought may seem feasible, but in the end we have to prepared for the future. As a business owner your primary decisions will often involve short and long-term goals. In terms of cybersecurity commit to long-term solutions rather than short-term band-aids.

The Overall Picture

The first step to getting started is to use the free plan included in this blog as a first step in securing your business. Also, as discussed in the previous blog taking specific actions that will strengthen your business processes.

Zero Trust

The next important topic that we will delve into will be Zero Trust as a framework for your business. It may seem anti-social the term "Zero-Trust", but today's cyber risks involve being more proactive to securing your assets and protecting the branding for your business.

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